Thursday 17 November 2011

This is my example of model based animation, model based animation is frame after frame shots of models, giving the models a illusion of coming to life.

Thursday 10 November 2011

This is my model without a head which was supposed to be superman, which i made in class i found this exercise extremely fun.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Cel Animation

Cel Animation Test from Neal Coghlan on Vimeo.

This is my Example of cel based animation
Cel animation is one of the earliest forms of animation it is drawing frame by frame on which can at 25 fps the image was drawn out on a special sheet of see-through plastic on which they drew the image drawing and repeated this process and changed the drawing a slight bit each time therefore creating moving image.

Thursday 20 October 2011

Pixilation from Diego Balseca on Vimeo.

This is an example i have found of pixilation.
Pixilation is stop motion with a person or persons who have been in a fixed position and photos taken frame by frame, and then persistence of vision creates the illusion of movement.

Cut-out Animation

This is Mine own, Jordan's and adams cut out animation basically its a bear who pull a gun out on a dear

Thursday 13 October 2011

Our cut out animation description

I was in a team with adam and jordan and we came up with an idea for a cut out animation and we took the idea and started filming through a program called istop motion and photograph each individual frame by frame with cut out from magazines.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Stop Motion Time Lapse

We used the program Istop motion to take photos from the macs webcam at every 2 second intervals over a 20 second period what we all did gather 4 friends and though of ideas to show through the webcam and time lapsed this. It can be done over a long or short period of time. We used this as our primary research this is because we experience the time lapsing ourselves or through others who have experienced it themselves on the other hand secondary research is when you gather the research from the internet, books, newspapers and television secondary is the research you gather which you have taken from these sources.

Untitled from adam on Vimeo.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Persistence of vision clip

Penguin from Gail West on Vimeo.

This video shows persistence of vision through the penguin moving from place to place and tricks the retina that the image is moving. what happens in persistence of vision is the eye retains the image for split of a second after the image was actually there and these images are presented in an illusion for the eye which are closely timed we realize the gaps because the  of the images the motion seem seamless.

my pic

Ny Blog Picture 

My First Post

This is my first post my name is cam aka Mr Cool Im 16 years of age i am studying the corse of media production ;D