Thursday 21 June 2012

Respond to feedback

Thank-you for all your comments all comments are roughly similar comments like make the animation longer, good animation and use of sound in my animation. I have compared with chicken-news work and funimation animations, compared to funimation my work work is budgeted and professional so i could not accomplish something half as successful, and adams work we both similar techniques with the wire to hold things in mid air with his cannon balls and my superhero id say adams is better than my  animation due to the fact his animation was more smooth and background was fitting.

Thursday 17 May 2012

Final Animation Avengers rip off

This is my final animation with titles and credits and sound also. Enjoy ;)

Thursday 26 April 2012

Final Animation Superhero model based

This is my final outcome of my model based animation i will be uploading another final video with sound.

Thursday 15 March 2012

This is my update work for the lesson i have finished my hero and changed my idea slightly instead of fighting a villain i found that is was more tedious than i though and had problems. So ive changed my idea to the hero showing off his powers.

Thursday 1 March 2012

Heinz' Poppers web ad from Kirsten Lepore on Vimeo.

I've had decided i would like to do model based animation throughout the amount of viewing model animations has inspired me to create one model animation here is one example of many model animations i've viewed.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Planning and mind maps

Ive created my mindmap and got a great idea on what my final animation is going to be a clay animation of captain america fighting off the bad guys.

Thursday 9 February 2012

My Animation Theme

My Idea is a Hero based Animation i will marvel hero Captain America reenacting out a scene from the first avenger film the scene will be when he steps into the machine which make him  superhuman.

Thursday 2 February 2012

My Final Animation

for my final animation i am going to be using time lapse because i am confident in using it and the last time lapse i did what pretty awesome so i have had a good experience of time lapse.

Thursday 26 January 2012

Soundtrack Movie

This is my uploaded music video match the song Ku fu fighting with a stop motion karate clay video. I Basically upload a soundtrack and video to garage a cut out a lot of the song and left best part of th song and fade in and out with the song